F.J. Bergmann
F. J. Bergmann is presently and originally from Wisconsin and has lived in France, England, New Jersey and Maryland. In a previous life she spent all her time working with horses. Fred is her present and original husband, since 1978, and she is the Space Lord Mother of three more recent offspring. She claims to have an MFA from the School of the Americas, and is to blame for everything on this website, as well as madpoetry.org and others. Her poems have been published in numerous print and online journals, including (under the nom de plume Easter Cathay) on asininepoetry.com. Her hobbies include narcolepsy, retrophrenology, and Fainting in Coils. Her hairstyle is deceptive. One of her pseudopodia can reach all the way from the bedroom to the refrigerator.

