Laura McCullough
Laura McCullough's books of poetry include Rigger Death & Hoist Another (Black Lawrence Press), Panic (winner of the Kinereth Gensler Award, Alice James Books), Speech Acts, and What Men Want. She is the editor of two anthologies, The Room & the World: Essays on the poet Stephen Dunn, forthcoming from Syracuse University Press, and Essays on Poetry and Race: the Task of Un/Masking, forthcoming from University of Georgia Press. She is the editor of Mead: the Magazine of Literature and Libations and an editor at large for TranStudies Magazine. She holds an MFA in fiction from Goddard College, and her essays, criticism, poems, creative non-fiction, and short fiction have appeared in or are forthcoming in The Georgia Review, The Birmingham Review, The Florida Review, New South, Guernica, The American Poetry Review, Green Mountains Review, Pank, The Writer's Chronicle, Gulf Coast, Pedestal, Painted Bride Quarterly, and others.
